Open 365 Days A Year


March – September

Sunday – Friday 9:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday 8:30am – 10:00pm

October – February
Sunday – Friday 9:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 9:00pm

* Last entry 30 minutes prior to close


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Things to Do While Social Distancing

While we’d all love to explore the famous sites of Chicago as spring blooms, our health and safety take precedence for now. However, there are a number of great ways to stay in touch with yourself and loved ones without foregoing all the joys of spring! Read on with the Skydeck team as we explore a range of things to do while social distancing that can keep you healthy and thriving as we wait for Chicago to reopen.

Take a Hike

No, seriously. Go fly a kite! Going outdoors and getting sunlight is great for the immune system, as long as you practice true social distancing. We recommend avoiding trails and peak times, like midday on weekends, but there are plenty of green spaces and room for you and your family, even on the most beautiful days. Of the many things to do while social distancing, this one is the most tricky to exercise properly, but in the end, a breeze and a ray of sunshine is definitely worth it. 

Learn a New Language

There are plenty of fantastic options to brush up on your high school French lessons or start on a new language altogether! Free services like Duolingo have been around for a number of years with real results, and even paid technologies like Babbel and Rosetta Stone are offering extended trial periods for students and new users. There are also plenty of online courses through Youtube on sign language–try following along with your state’s interpreter after a couple of lessons! Few of the things to do while social distancing are as enriching as developing new language skills. 

Start Again on that Long-Lost Hobby

Whether you’ve got a sewing machine collecting dust or a guitar slowly detuning in the corner, now is the perfect time to spend a few hours a week — or day — on that craft or practice you haven’t had a moment for. While a new hobby can be especially exciting and rejuvenating in a time when recovery is the thing on all our minds, starting again on one that fell by the wayside can feel particularly empowering and stabilizing–without any extra expenditures!

Pair Video Calling With a Favorite Activity

Everyone knows how nice a phone call or video chat can be with family and friends, but “checking in” can feel a little too routine at times. You can always share time with a loved one while working through your favorite things to do at home. Some of us love doing the weekly crossword puzzle together, while others prefer continuing their knitting circles and book clubs. Even our musicians are able to keep writing new material with their bandmates! Games like chess are perfect for a video chat, while other favorite board games like Settlers of Catan can also be found online and coupled with a call. Virtual activities also make for great date ideas

Look Forward to the Future

Now is a fantastic time to plan ahead for activities throughout the year, and it’s one of our favorite things to do at home to chase away the isolation blues. Whether you’re interested in a romantic date night on the Willis Tower Skydeck or a family trip to see all the best Chicago attractions, having concrete plans makes that next trip around the corner a breeze. And, if you can’t wait to visit your favorite Chicago spot, explore the downtown with the Chicago live cams!

Get to Know Chicago From Home With Skydeck

While taking a Google Street View tour of the world’s most amazing sights is a great way to spend an afternoon, there’s nothing quite like the real thing. For now, you can even take a look at the gorgeous Chicago skyline with our Skydeck video experience, one of our favorite things to do while social distancing!